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You have a question about re.flex? Contact us.

Preventative care for Hip Osteoarthritis

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Pre- and post-surgery protocols

Optimize the home exercise prescription with a complete pre and rehabilitation exercise protocols.

Early discharge

Embrace swift recovery with early discharge protocols, ensuring your patients return home sooner for a more comfortable and efficient healthcare journey.

Better clinical outcomes

Elevate your healthcare experience with improved clinical outcomes, where precision and efficiency come together to prioritize your well-being.

Post surgery rehabilitation at home

Introducing re.flex for Total Hip Replacement, engineered to transform the landscape of pre- and post-surgery rehabilitation. Customized for individuals aged 40-75, this product has a very intuitive interface. At the heart of its effectiveness are its 8-12 week self-adjusting protocols, eliminating the need for time-consuming manual exercise adjustments done by physical therapists.

With just 5 minutes of daily involvement, physical therapists can actively participate in the patient monitoring, thanks to our comprehensive daily reports, filled with actionable insights.

Our product is tracking the range of motion progress, pain management and exercise precision. It’s the perfect solution to ensure a more seamless, efficient, and effective recovery journey for your valued patients.

Academically proven accuracy

re.flex is the only commercial and academically validated 2-sensor solution able to provide a 3-dimensional experience. Analyzing up 12 vital metrics of the knee and hip in real time, we stand as the most accurate digital physical therapy assistant, proven with Charite University Hospital in 2019 and Offenburg University in 2022.

re.flex is actively engaged in advancing orthopedic research by participating in the PROTO consortium. This consortium, funded by the EU Horizon, focuses on creating interventional approaches to address the onset and advancement of osteoarthritis (OA).

Discover other new products that will be launched soon

Über re.flex

re.flex ist der präzieseste digitale Therapeuten auf dem Markt. re.flex hilft Dir, Knie-, Hüft-, und Kreuzschmerzen effektiv und nachhaltig zu behandeln. Die Wirkung ist messbar und in wissenschaftlichen Studien nachgewiesen. Unsere Technologie macht Dir die Übungen nicht nur vor, sondern hilft Dir auch mit aktiver, direkter, Rückmeldung, wenn Du Dir einmal nicht ganz bist. Mit re.flex linderst Du deine Schmerzen und gewinnst Lebensqualität zurück.

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