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You have a question about re.flex? Contact us.

Rehabilitation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament surgery

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Superior rehabilitation

With our voice coach and real-time 3-Dimensional assistance you get to perform the exercises with a superior form achieving better overall results.

Recover range of motion

The protocol adapts to your own capabilities so that you can gradually increase intensity and recover the range of motion and strength in time.

Actionable reports

Our reports section provides clinicians with detailed insights into your progress and the whole journey transparently documented.

In control of your recovery

With re.flex you get to choose when and where to exercise, blending at-home rehabilitation with in-clinical check-ups for your convenience.

Our carefully designed protocols focus on essential aspects like regaining range of motion (ROM), building strength, and enhancing balance, all within an 8 to 12-week timeframe. You have the option to train two times per day and speed up your recovery.

Backed by science

After three years of rigorous testing with hundreds of patients in multiple clinical trials, the ACL product is now under evaluation by a dedicated team led by Dr. Tobias Jung from Charite University Hospital.

This robust protocol spreaded through 12 weeks is expertly designed to minimize clinician involvement and save valuable time. Its unique features enable comprehensive assessments and the extraction of pertinent data to inform actionable decisions.

Remarkable precision

re.flex stands as the ultimate post-surgery ally, validated through two comprehensive studies in collaboration with Charite University Hospital (2019) and Offenburg University (2022). These studies, which compared re.flex to the Vicon system, the widely recognized Gold Standard in human body motion tracking, reveal a remarkable level of precision.

The deviation recorded was minimal, making re.flex a trustworthy tool for both patients and clinicians, by assisting the correct form of the exercise execution, while minimizing possible errors.

Discover other new products that will be launched soon

Together for a pain-free life.

re.flex and Sporlastic have joined forces to revolutionize the German orthopedic and rehabilitation market. Our innovative knee osteoarthritis prevention product has successfully completed two medical studies with Tubingen University .

By joining forces with key industry partners, our aim is to develop solutions for ACL, TKR, THR, Hip Osteoarthritis, and lower back pain, following a public reimbursement strategy.

Additionally, we are exploring opportunities to expand to countries like France and the United States with DTx reimbursement pathways.

If you represent a hospital chain, distributor, or health insurance company, let’s connect and collaborate for transformative healthcare solutions.

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Über re.flex

re.flex ist der präzieseste digitale Therapeuten auf dem Markt. re.flex hilft Dir, Knie-, Hüft-, und Kreuzschmerzen effektiv und nachhaltig zu behandeln. Die Wirkung ist messbar und in wissenschaftlichen Studien nachgewiesen. Unsere Technologie macht Dir die Übungen nicht nur vor, sondern hilft Dir auch mit aktiver, direkter, Rückmeldung, wenn Du Dir einmal nicht ganz bist. Mit re.flex linderst Du deine Schmerzen und gewinnst Lebensqualität zurück.

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